Kindle fans have longed to get their hands on Kindle Fire. Fire has some great features; the reader app is excellent, very user-friendly and the experience they provide you in the app store is terrific!
Book lovers will have a ball with its once a month free lending library. For a user who enjoys reading, watching videos and streaming music, the Fire is a far better choice. It also performs the gaming, browsing and emailing functions decently well. The LCD screen is my favourite part: the brightness is very apt and the colour is striking. The screen angle for watching videos is also wide and adequate. Fire also provides a good solid feeling with its sleek and quality hardware feel.
The social media addicts may have a faint rush of disappointment as it provides minimal sharing opportunities either via mail, twitter or facebook. For excessive users, the storage memory can also be a sour topic as it is only limited to 5GB. Hence, it may be difficult for you to carry your own videos for a holidaying stint. The Fire isn't intuitive. Amazon did carry out a software update that fixed the issues below, however, I have still my peers who complain that it's screen is barraged by menu bars and it can be quite distracting whiel browsing in the landscape mode. The screen is also quite sensitive as the menu bars accidently pop up while reading and the navigating around webpages.
Users like me can find themselves heavily complaining about Cloud integration; the cloud doesn't work hand-in-glove with the Fire as you may have expected it to. The cloud doesn't act as a repository of content you want to access; it is merely a locker for items that you may have purchased from Amazon. If a user wants to access videos or other documents, one has to manually function the browser making the process a bit more tedious than you would want your device to be.
Kindle Fire is a great device for users who aren't heavy tablet users. I feel it would be best suited towards book readers. The Fire has fixed a lot of its previous problems and all in all, I feel that it is a great buy for a affordable price.